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Corley Carriage Outfeed Systems

Corley engineers and manufactures a wide range of carriage outfeed systems. Pictured below are just a few of our systems that can help you achieve maximum production from your carriage. Call us about a system to fit your mill.

Cant Catcher Pins

Cant Catcher Pins

Allow the sawyer to unload the last cant off the carriage without waiting for the last board to clear. Pins will retract to load the cant onto the roll case.

Cant Lift Pan

Cant Lift Pan

Allows cants to be unloaded from the carriage without having to wait for the last board to clear. the lift pan rises to transfer cants across the roll case.

Board Catcher/Slab Dump

Board Catcher/Slab Dump

“Catches” the last board and allows cants to be unloaded from the carriage without having to wait for the last board to clear. The board is then lowered onto the roll case. Slabs are unloaded using the same board catcher arms without the catcher pins.

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